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Code of Conduct and Use Terms

Your vows to Miami Strength Club and our Community


In order to advance our mission, we provide services Strength Services at Miami Strength Club.


Miami Strength Club reflects its values and opinions as we see fit. You use our site, or products, our services, our membership options, and other goods and services of your own will. If you don't like what you read, see, or hear, you can opt-out of usage. 

If you choose to value what we offer, we ask in exchange that you make the following commitments to us:


1. Use of Miami Strength Club' Facilities, Services, and website


To maintain our community integrity, you must be accountable to stand behind your opinions and actions, conduct yourself respectably and safely. For this reason, you agree that you shall:

  • Not to misrepresent your identity by using your legal name.

  • Provide accurate information about yourself. 

  • Do not share your password or give access to your Miami Strength Club account to others.

  • You cannot transfer your account to anyone else (unless without our permission).


Miami Strength Club usage is broadly available to everyone, but you cannot become a member or use Miami Strength Club website or services if:

  • You are a convicted sex offender.

  • You pose a real or perceived threat to our staff, members, community, or ability to conduct business.

  • If your account has been previously disabled for violations of our Terms or Policies.


2. What you can share and do on Miami Strength Club's facilities, website and platforms are guided by the following:


We want people to use Miami Strength Club to get physically stronger and to achieve physical and mental fitness, but not at the expense of the safety and well-being of themselves or others, or the integrity of our community, or the loss of the deterioration of our facility and equipment, damage to our reputation, the safety of our staff and members. Therefore You agree to:

  1. You may not use our website to anything that:

    • That violates the Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy, and other terms and policies that apply to your use of Miami Strength Club.

    • That is misleading or fraudulent or illegal.

    • That violates someone else's rights, including their intellectual property rights.

  1. You may not be careless of your actions while exercising in our premises, or following our guides. 

  2. You must use common sense when others are around you, as not to harm others or yourself when in our facility or using our guides. 

  3. You may not do anything that could disable services, products, access, membership perks, staff functions or any electronic disruption of our products.

  4. You may not collect data or access our website using automated means for the purpose of accessing data you do not have permission to access.

We can unilaterally remove or restrict users and revoke memberships that violate these provisions. If we do restrict your use or cancel your membership, we may or may not let you know. 


Deletion of accounts/membership revocation:

Your account, membership, use of the website, and other association with Miami Strength club will be terminated if any of the following is actual or perceived to be true. 

  1. If you seriously or repeatedly violate our Terms or if you expose us or others to harm, danger or legal liability.

  2. You pose a risk of harm to Miami Strength Club, and it's members, staff, and users; misuse our electronic platforms, facilities, or equipment.

  3. You pose harm to our ability to carry our mission.

  4. You pose a real or perceived harm to our users and members.


3. You agree to gives us these permissions:

  • You allow Miami Strength Club to charge your credit card as per the sales and purchase of service terms and conditions. 

  • If you download or use our program template software, you give us permission to download and install updates to the software where available.


4. Limits on using our Copyright and intellectual property

We retain all rights to that content. If you use content that we have and make available in our products (for example, website posts, images, designs, videos, or sounds we provide that you add to content you create or share on Miami Strength Club). 


You must obtain our written permission to modify, create derivative works of, de-compile, or otherwise attempt to extract or reuse in any manner our intellectual and copyrighted property.

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